@Jeffro: You said: If they actually endorsed the training course in question, they would have no reason to deny it.
You said later "it was the course that was removed rather than just one slide from it"
So if they didn't endorse the training after the fact, why did they endorse the training in the first place? If I want to offer training to my company, and I brand it with my logo or provide my employees with a link, doesn't that imply that I reviewed and endorsed ALL the training that is under the branded site? If you get a vague statement from your boss to complete this mandatory training and the link contains a bunch of modules, that may or may not be mandatory from corporate, and you do them anyway because it's under the same link, doesn't that imply that they were at least believed to be mandatory.
If not, again, this may be a rogue manager or VP deciding they make things mandatory without input from legal and the C-suite. In that case, Coca Cola should DENOUNCE the practice, heads should roll, but nobody is doing that either because if you DENOUNCE DeAngelo's training, you are considered a racist and should be cancelled.
To give you a comparison: it's well known that the WTBTS keeps lists of sex offenders. When this came out, they said, well our "congregations don't keep lists of sex offenders" and if authorities then happen to find a file in a red folder that the secretary of the congregation has "the WTBTS did not endorse this congregation keeping a list of sex offenders" which is true but a lie of omission, per WTBTS instructions the sex offender has to be passed onto WTBTS HQ and the records in the congregation destroyed. But we all know some elders either don't know about this guidance or don't want to give up control over their own little kingdom and thus keep records the WTBTS doesn't want you to keep.
By your logic, we have to give the WTBTS a pass and pretend everything is okay because they never publicly stated that they didn't keep a list of sex offenders and any congregation that didn't follow their strict guidelines we have to ignore as well, because WTBTS clearly didn't endorse the independent decision making of it's CO and Elders in the congregations. Also, Elders and CO's that didn't follow the guidelines don't get called out publicly because by doing so you would admit to covering up a bunch of other crap you don't want the public to know about.
We all know that is BS, everything that happens in WTBTS-land is controlled to some extent by WTBTS and they should be held responsible and liable for everything that happens in WTBTS land, which is what courts generally agree in abuse cases but also in employment cases. If your managers decides to sexually harass you and your company doesn't immediately investigate and/or fire the responsible party, they become liable.
Now replace congregation with division, WTBTS with Coca Cola and sex offender with racist training session.I'm giving Coca Cola all the benefit of the doubt here, I'm not accusing Coca Cola of demanding the racist training, but unless they publicly state they have investigated and taken action against those that demanded it, they are liable to the same extent they would be liable for sexual harassment and other issues they decide to cover up. Right now all we have is a statement from Coca Cola with a bunch of weasel words that still leave it sufficiently vague as to whether some or all of the training was mandatory across their entire company. They never denied the accusation it wasn't offered in their official curriculum, regardless of it's mandatory-ness, they actually admitted it was on there but they didn't apologize, they didn't claim it wasn't true that some employees could've interpreted it as mandatory, they have no counter-evidence, including e-mail that said what was and wasn't mandatory because if they did, they would have.